California Elk Hunting
Directory of 6 California Elk hunting lodges, guides and outfitters in California.

In California we hunt Tule elk on private ranches. We have openings for 2019 and 2020 tule elk season. The season runs from the middle of July until the end of September. The ranch / lodge is only a 3 hour drive from Sacramento, San Francisco or Oakland airports.
Learn more about G&J Outdoors

Camp Five Outfitters is a member of Calif. Private Lands Management Program which provides special incentives to landowners who recognize the value of caring for wildlife and their habitat. As a result of our farming and habitat enhancement programs, we are able to hunt a limited number of Tule Elk each year. These hunts are all inclusive 5 day hunts for trophy bulls. Each year we have taken record book bulls. For clients applying for Tule Elk through the State Draw, we also have private land hunts for those who draw the LaPanza zone area. Contact us if you are interested in hunting the Tule Elk of Central California.
Learn more about Camp 5 Outfitters, Inc.

We specialize in California Tule Elk hunts. If you have an interest in a rare Tule Elk hunt for this season contact us immediately. The attached pictures are photos of elk that we have guided hunters to on Golden Ram managed properties. These Tule Elk are 100% free range
Learn more about Golden Ram Sportsman's Club

Rocky Mountain Elk (C. canadensis nelsoni), Roosevelt Elk (C. canadensis roosevelti), Tule Elk (C. canadensis nannodes) can all be hunted in the Golden State. Obtaining an elk tag may prove to be the most difficult part of hunting elk in California, with the current draw system, the more popular bull hunts are likely to be a once-in-a-lifetime tag. You can still however get a chance to buy private land ranch tags from time to time.
Learn more about SC2 Outdoors

Don't miss an opportunity to hunt this rarer elk species. Though smaller in size than other species, the Tule Elk is a trophy for any big game hunter. A mature bull (or stag) will weigh 700 pounds on an average while the cows (or hinds) are only about three-fourths as large. Only males have antlers which are rounded and widely spread, averaging four to six points on each. Antlers are shed in March with new ones fully grown by September.
Learn more about Shamrock Ranch

A trophy elk hunt on Tejon Ranch is highly prized by hunters throughout the country. This guided hunt guarantees you the opportunity to take a Rocky Mountain bull elk with a gross Boone & Crockett score of 350” or greater. Your hunt will be scheduled for up to seven days and includes all meals. This is the only hunt that offers exclusive use of a hunting lodge. It also includes transportation on the Ranch and field care of the animal. We will assign up to three guides per hunter, and if a bull is not harvested within the seven day period, we will reschedule the hunt for later in the season. If no bulls are found during the season, we will carry the hunt over to the next year. Tejon Ranch also offers a Management Bull Elk Hunt – a bull with characteristics that are not conducive to the overall quality of the herd.
Learn more about Tejon Ranch